STANDART KARTVİZİT ÖLÇÜLERİ (Avrupa Standart Ölçüsü – 85 X 55 mm) Business Card Templates
Fast-track your business and select the best business cards by category and style that defines your brand. You can edit the prebuilt templates to the heart’s content. If you are a design expert yourself, feel free to use the exclusive design tool.
Do you need more ideas? You can easily contact us to request designs from our experts.From textured business cards to gold and silver imprints and embossed effects, many distinct features can be added to your designs.
- Anbieter medizinischer Produkte
- Apotheken
- Architekten und Ingenieure
- Automobilbranche
- Autorin
- Autovermietungen
- Bäckerei
- Banking
- Baumaterialien und Eisenwarenhandel
- Bauunternehmer
- Beliebt
- Beratungsdienste
- Bildungseinrichtungen und Privatlehrer
- Blumen
- Branding
- Buchhalter
- Cafés
- Druckereien und Druckdienste
- E-Commerce
- Education
- Elegant
- Elektriker
- Fahrradgeschäfte und -reparaturwerkstätten
- Financial Advisor
- Financial Services
- Fotografen
- Freiberufler
- Friseursalons
- Gartenbedarfsfachhandel
- Genel
- Geometrisch
- Golf
- Handwerksbetriebe
- Health & Medicine
- Holidays
- Immobilienmakler
- Innenraumgestalter
- Installateure
- IT-Dienstleistungen
- Juweliere und Edelsteinhändler
- Klassisch
- Kreativ
- Kunst und Skulpturen
- Künstlerisch
- Landschaftsgestaltung
- Lebensmittelgeschäfte und kleine Märkte
- Legal
- Loan Officer
- Maler
- Masonry
- Metzgereien
- Minimalistisch
- Möbelgeschäfte
- Modedesigner
- Modern
- Musikerin
- Musikinstrumentengeschäfte
- Nachtclubs
- Obst- und Gemüsehändler
- Ökologisch
- Personal Trainer
- Pets & Animals
- Pflegedienste
- Physiotherapeuten
- Professionell
- Publishing
- Real Estate
- Rechtsanwälte
- Reinigungsdienste
- Religious & Spiritual
- Restaurants
- Roofer
- Schauspielerin
- Schönheitssalons
- Sicherheitsdienste
- Sports & Fitness
- Student
- Tax Services
- Teacher
- Tierärzte
- Tischler
- Tourismus- und Reisebüros
- Transport und Logistik
- Transportation
- Travel & Tourism
- Übersetzungs
- Uhrmacher
- Versicherungsagenturen
- Vintage
- Webdesign
- Werbeagenturen
- Zahnärzte
- Zubehör
How does the process work?
Share your idea with us, and our skilled team will make a design for you.
Please provide us information that you want in your business card.
Within one business day, we will provide you 3 design proposals.
Select your preferred design.
Should you wish to make changes, your first revision request is free.
Print your new design with our premium services.
How does it work?
Capture a photo or upload your files.
Attach all relevant files/images necessary for accurately replicating your design.
It will be available on the platform within 24h
Your design is prepared for printing.